Monday, March 15, 2010

Men are from Venus,woman are from Mars!!

I love my husband dearly but boy are we different.!!People often ask what is it like to work with your spouse.Fantastic is the usual answer but I always have to clarify that statement.We are very different but this business need both parties on board. Time has thought us to clearly define our roles . Ger looks after operations and I look after everything else.
We meet in the office to discuss ongoing issues and try not to bring them up in bed at 11 o'clock at night.!!!
I know someone who works from home and who walks out her front door every morning , walks to the gate and returned to begin her working day. She does the same at night. Now I hear you say are all my friends so weird but it works for her in the same way I am mammy the minute I walk into my home which is beside my office.
Men are from Venus,Woman are from mars.!!!
One day after a night out my husband stepped out of his trousers and jumped into bed. He reminded me to put air in the right hand tire the following day. I lost my life when I noticed his pants having spent 15 minutes ironing the bloody thing. The following day we happen to be going out again and he wore his wrinkled pants which I refused to re iron. En route Ger exploded as I had failed to put air in the tire that day.Could I understand his frustration. No. We are so different but could I live without him . I dread to think.!!!


  1. Hmm, my husband knows me well enough now to know I would never remember to put air in a tyre!!
    Lovely seeing you today

  2. Mag - Surely it can't takes you 15 minutes to iron a trousers????? UFW as well as UFM!
